Zsuzsanna Bősze PhD

Zsuzsanna Bősze PhD
Önkéntes, tudományos tanácsadó
2100 Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi Albert utca 4.
Phone: +36 28526139
Mobile: +36 307602144
Fax: +36 28526101
E-mail: bosze.zsuzsanna[at]abc.naik.hu


Project and group leader at Agricultural Biotechnology Center, since 1989
Head of the Department of Animal Biology, Agricultural Biotechnology Center 2000-2006
Head of the Department of Animal Biotechnology Institute (2011-2013)
Cofounder ImmunoGenes (www.immunogenes.com)- a spin off biotech company (2007)
Ph.D. – biology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (1989)
D.Sc. Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2003)


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